Saturday, October 12, 2013

This is from spending time in a workshop at Blaine's Art in Anchorage with Don Kolstad for a birthday with my sister. We had a ball playing with new materials.
The local art store, Blaine's Art Store is having a great materials sale and they are bringing in new materials.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

This was created 'plein aire' style on site at Syracuse University; pen and ink with watercolor wash. 
This represents a lifting fog over Westchester Lagoon~Alaska.

This summer the sun and weather were so cooperative in Alaska...and I was able to be outside creating 'plein aire' and other paintings. Alaska summers can be spectacular! I am particular to weather and landscape this year. Here is a rather 'Girdwoodian' view with ripe raspberries overlooking a valley in Alaska.