Saturday, October 12, 2013

This is from spending time in a workshop at Blaine's Art in Anchorage with Don Kolstad for a birthday with my sister. We had a ball playing with new materials.
The local art store, Blaine's Art Store is having a great materials sale and they are bringing in new materials.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

This was created 'plein aire' style on site at Syracuse University; pen and ink with watercolor wash. 
This represents a lifting fog over Westchester Lagoon~Alaska.

This summer the sun and weather were so cooperative in Alaska...and I was able to be outside creating 'plein aire' and other paintings. Alaska summers can be spectacular! I am particular to weather and landscape this year. Here is a rather 'Girdwoodian' view with ripe raspberries overlooking a valley in Alaska.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Showered with Love
This is part of a group of cards I created called "Friends from the Garden of Life" and is a tribute to many of my friends ...
Friends from the Garden of Life

Tastes Like Home is at the Anchorage International Airport bookstore.  I created the watercolor artwork for the cover design. This is the 2012 edition with new recipes included! Laurie Constantino is the author and the recipes are fabulous!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Welcome to 100poodles and Art Images. This blog contains images and artwork. The copyrights for images and ideas are owned by Amanda C. Saxton.